Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ayudha Pooja

It is time for story of pumpkins.
It was observed that lot of pumpkins were squashed,
after a much pampered time. shades of pumpkins
had been hung/laid/decorated before episode

Much heat was generetad
by civic exenora . in fact a person who
had his antennae probed for a quarrel or two
in this matter. he asked people abt to
destroy a pumpkin to squash it on his head rather
on roads(true life episode).as we all know the
negative effects of pumpkin squashing on roads.

It was one of those days
i happened to visit one of my friends house
for a religious function. it was at that moment
a pumpkin in all granduer was dispatched to its
end. The person( was a guy named 'ezhumalai',
was in an inebriated state) . He made two
perfect circles and last one turned up to
be a "De-Broglie" wave. He squashed the pumpkin.
I wondered a lone pumpkin was guessing what work
had to de done. Some pumpkins were light whereas others
were heavy. Last years pals had not done
not so a good job in warding off evils!!! and the
major task had fallen on these unfortunate ones.
It is also believed a colored/heavier pumpkin
indicates the index of prosperity of the possessor.

For a good deed or two for next year's
ayudha pooja, it is better to have a dummy pumpkin
undergo these trials than put to stress test
these little ones, which are brimming with seeds
within.As for me I am a busy bee and spectator
to these rituals as USUAL.



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